हरि ॐ
Important instructions,
terms and conditions for subscribers
- The readers who wish to have an online epaper of the fortnightly ‘Star Vrutta’, want to be subscribed by paying monthly, annual subscription rates subject to ‘terms, conditions and conditions’. Before that, the subscribers have to fill the entire form.
- Every month, two digits and special issues, 24 issues per year and all the famous publications will be received through online e-paper.
- If there is a change in the mobile number and email, the subscriber will be responsible for informing the fortnightly ‘Star Vrutta’ office.
- In the account of the fortnightly `Star Vrutta’, the deposit amount will not be returned to the account (account)
- All rights reserved for the fortnightly ‘Star Vrutta’ website are all text, photographs, sounds, movies (text articles, photos, audio, video) and it can not be used in other places without the permission of the editors.
- Subscription will be communicated through mobile SMS and email before the subscription period ends. After the expiry of the annual subscription period, a one month term will be paid for filling the subscription.
- The subscription value can be deposited in the ‘paytm’ ‘BHIM’ app or in check account and cash in the account of the fortnightly `Star Vrutta’ (account).
- Earlier, the number of ‘fortnightly star news’ was sent by post. So they used to get late, missing complaints; But the numbers obtained through online e-paper through the website can be immediately read by the readers.
- It is not possible to check all the factors included in the advertisement published in the fortnightly ‘Star Vrutta’. The owner, printer, publisher, editor of the fortnightly ‘Star Vrutta’ will not be held liable for the consequences of any claim from the advertiser if the newsletter is not responsible for the claim; Please note that. Before relying on any advertisement and before making any payment to the advertiser, before any transaction and before any contract of that form is required.